The Japanese Society of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics

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About ‘Japan Research Foundation for Clinical Pharmacology’ Award

‘Japan Research Foundation for Clinical Pharmacology’ Award has been founded on the year of 1990, under the aid of ‘Japan Research Foundation for Clinical Pharmacology’. The Award is consisted of two awards, the Research Encouragement Award and the Scientific Manuscript Award, under its rule.

The Awards will be presented from the President of the Japanese Society of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics (JSCPT) at its annual scientific meeting, with the Prize Money and Extra Prize.

# Research Encouragement Award
One mainstay researcher will be annually recommended by the nomination committee, and his or her research will be supported to encourage the important clinical pharmacology research that will contribute to the development of the clinical pharmacology in this nation.
Encouragement Award Prize Money: 3,000,000 JPY

* The Encouragement Prize winner will present the research plan at the meeting where the award presented, and the research outcome will be reported at the next annual meeting of JSCPT. The report paper also will be published on ‘Japanese Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics’, the official journal of JSCPT.

# Scientific Manuscript Awards
Plurals, including one from the official journal of JSCPT, among the published research manuscripts related to clinical pharmacology in the former year, from January through December, will be recommended by the nomination committee, and the first author will be rewarded.
Scientific Manuscript Award Extra Prize: 500,000 JPY, each.

* Scientific Manuscript Award winners will address one’s presentation of the research at the Scientific Meeting of JSCPT.
